What I do


As the first budget coach on Bonaire, with my Nibud training, my wide network and my financial knowledge, I can help you get your administration or money matters back in order.

I will work with you to solve your financial bottlenecks. Hereby I help you to put your home administration in order, so that you get a better understanding of the income and expenses. I also give training courses to people who have never had a home administration before, such as young people who leave for the Netherlands for their studies.

BTW: I followed the Nibud training 'Budgeting and guidance' for the Caribbean Netherlands.



As an external confidant, I can make an important contribution to a healthy and safe working environment for your organisation.

My work as a budget coach and the many years of experience as an entrepreneur on Bonaire, have led me to follow the Confidential Advisor training courses at the National Institute for Confidential Counsel (LIVP) and at ArboNed.

Unwanted manners are more common in organizations than you think, such as bullying, aggression and violence, sexual harassment or discrimination. And this can again lead to illness or loss of employees.
A confidential advisor in your organization can make a very important contribution to a healthy and safe working environment.


Office management

As team leader, project coordinator, management support

Every organization has to deal with a new or temporary project from time to time. Due to all kinds of circumstances, too much work has been left behind. It may also be that you can count on one staff member less for a period or that the company is growing so fast that it is suddenly too much. These are all reasons to call me.


Coaching (office)

As a teacher for MBO 2 and 3 (finance) and as a coach for adults who already work but want to learn more.

Another option is to offer people a chance and therefore coach them in their office job.

That is why I am also a teacher for MBO 2 and MBO 3 students (financial administration) and I have given secretarial practice at Forma, among others. It is great fun to share knowledge with others so that both employer and employee benefit from it.


Meeting room or classroom

At the beautiful location of RMD Vastgoed on the kaya Korona I have small and large spaces available for you.

I am also the point of contact for RMD Vastgoed BV. 
RMD Vastgoed has a beautiful building at kaya Korona 30. A number of these rooms are rented out as  meeting or training rooms. The various areas offer sufficient privacy and there are enough parking spaces. & Nbsp; 
Our personal attention ensures that your meeting or course is arranged as you wish.

More info : see rental office space or classroom or call me   + 599 795 94 29



As a contact person for Unkobon I try to promote the organization as much as possible.

The consumer association Unkobon is the abbreviation for Union di Konsumido Boneiru (the association of consumers of Bonaire).

As a contact person I try to promote Unkobon as much as possible. After all, the more people become members, the better things can be arranged for our consumers on Bonaire. And becoming a member is not expensive at all!

So you can contact me if you have a signal, complaint or subject for Unkobon.

 Visiting address : Kaya Korona 30 (opposite Kooijman) or
call  + 599 795 94 29


Would you like more information?

Contact Bonaire Office

Telephone + 599 795 94 29
Address Kaya Korona 30 - Kralendijk

Contact Bonaire Office